Australian Red Ridge Tail Monitors (ackies)

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  • Regular price $399.99

We have a limited number of Red Ridge Tail Monitors (Varanus acanthurus) also know as "Ackies". This species of Dwarf Monitor is a super tame small species of monitor lizard. Arguably red ackies are one of the best pet reptiles on the market today. This species stays fairly small growing only 18-22 inches in total length. They are extremely active and inquisitive and also enjoy being handled. We receive very few of these every year so act fast!   

  • Species: Varanus acanthurus
  • Origin: Captive Born and Bred in the USA
  • Size: Currently 4-6 inches. Adults reaching up to 22 inches
  • Natural Range: Australia
  • Food: Vitamin dusted cricked, roaches and other small insects
  • Lifespan: Up to 18 years in captivity with proper care


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